When Tennessee Bob and family first acquired their land in Ecuador life was grand! Bob’s wife, Nikki had worked with her family there to make it happen and they were all actively involved in building El Rancho Del Fuego. The volcanic soil was so rich that Bob wasted no time getting started on the fields and it wasn’t long before the ranch’s garden’s were brimming with lush herbs, fruits and vegetables growing everywhere. Although they still lived in Florida, now they had a reason to make more regular trips to Ecuador to spend time with her family and continue building the ranch. Of course the locals helped as well acting as caretakers of the place while Bob and family were away. But when they flew down regularly, the times were spent working hard and spending most nights around a campfire singing and celebrating this wonderful place. Bob had no clue how special this land was until they finally left the United States and he retired. He and family packed up and permanently moved to the ranch and became ex-patriots.
The first time Bob realized he could actually talk with the pepper people was upon the arrival of Jalapeno Jack. He would have thought at that moment that he had lost his mind, but his son Ethanito was also there to witness that miraculous moment. Nikki, her family and everyone on the ranch could do the same. Outside the gates however, the rules did not apply and the pepper people were just vegetables.
The rules have changed at El Rancho Del Fuego between man and the earth’s living creatures. This enchanted place brings humans and and earthly species down to the same playing field. It is only here where Tennessee Bob and his residents co-exist and and communicate as symbiotic species sharing the same planet. Within the gates they enjoy each other as if they were the same- just another of Gods lovely creations! It is similar to the relationship between Demi-Gods and the Greek Gods themselves, and Tennessee Bob runs the show quite like Perseus did helping the humans in fighting off the Titans. It is here where the best of the world’s soldiers of humanity defend and rely on each other to live in harmony with the earth.
These spicy characters are nothing less that a circus act in the eyes of the modern world but to them, they are the last earthly crew of the Jolly Roger! The rumor has it that it is the resting place of the worlds El Dorados and they took up arms defending the fortress from outsiders, reincarnated as peppers!
Through the years this band of gypsies have battled iguanas with a palate for capsicums, killer vines, rouge tomatoes, fiery soldier ants and even fierce fungus. I hope you enjoy these fantasy tales!
Bienvenidos mi amigos Calientes!